Jeff Goldblum Net Worth
How much is Jeff Goldblum Worth?
Jeff Goldblum net worth: $40 Million
This is how much Jeff Goldblum is worth. Check out the video to learn about Jeff Goldblums net worth and earnings.
Check out more Celebrity Net Worth like Jeff Goldblum or Highest net worth Actor from United States of America.
Facts about Jeff Goldblum
When is Jeff Goldblum’s birthday?
He is born Oct 22, 1952
Where is he from?
Jeff Goldblum is from United States of America
What is he worth?
$40 Million
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Jeff Goldblum – earnings and net worth + more
It is hard to measure Jeff Goldblum’s net worth for the simple reason that his worth is directly related to his movies. For instance, the grosses of Star Wars are directly tied to the success of his performance in The Fly, or the grosses of Earth vs. the Flying Saucers with John Travolta.
Of course, some of the movie stars in the Star Wars trilogy have their own movies, and they don’t necessarily have a net worth that is attributable to their work in the Star Wars franchise. They simply have great movies that earn them more money. They also get paid a lot more for these movies.
That’s not to say that grosses do not matter. Any movies that you see should have at least a residual value. But when the grosses of a movie are over three or four times higher than the amount of money it costs to make the movie, that’s when we consider the movie a success.
Grosses of The Fly brought in about $100 million, which is the highest gross of any Star Wars movie, and that number has already been surpassed. What will likely happen is that the grosses of the sequel will also become higher, and Star Wars 3 might even reach one hundred million grosses.
Grosses are of course affected by other factors such as box office, performances in other countries, etc. I think you can reasonably argue that Goldblum has more income than the original cast, since his is associated with multiple franchises, and he can hold these franchises over the long haul as well.
But a couple of points here. In fact, he is one of the few actors who can hold on to multiple franchises, and as long as he continues to earn this kind of money, he’ll probably be around for a while.
As for Goldblum’s net worth, that is a tricky business, since his movies are all profitable. He can probably afford to keep working and he can possibly keep his personal wealth up, but that won’t solve the problem.
Consider how much more money he needs to earn a hundred million grosses to make a million dollars than a million dollars would mean if he has a low gross of one hundred million grosses. It doesn’t seem like an argument to me.
Grosses of Star Wars I think are still a little too high, especially since he doesn’t have the Batman or Superman franchise to continue. But The Fly and other movies are now reaching their respective movie finales, and Goldblum is now hitting his stride as an actor.
It’s a really difficult calculation, but it would seem that his net worth is more important to the popularity of his work than it is to the star power. And that could be his legacy, which is of course dependent on the success of his films.
One thing to keep in mind is that, while it is true that Jeff Goldblum is one of the biggest names in Hollywood, the success of his movies only translate into lower grosses for him. The success of the movie does not help him with the low grosses, though the failure of the movie might make him more popular.